Oil on Canvas
38 x 19.5 in
Soul mates. They really call themselves that, which makes sense, because I guess they are . . . They have no harsh edges with each other, no spiny conflicts, they ride through life like conjoined jellyfish - expanding and contracting instinctively, filling each other's spaces liquidly. Making it look easy.
Gillian Flynn
contemporary author
Gone Girl I'd like to be a jellyfish, 'cause jellyfish don't pay rent.
Jimmy Buffett
contemporary musician, singer, songwriter Truth on our level is a different thing from truth for the jellyfish. T.S. Eliot
1948 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, highly distinguished as a poet, literary critic, dramatist, editor and publisher If you can make jellyfish motivational, you are a bad ass. Peri Kinder
self-described, award-winning humor columnist, life and laughter coach,
often broke freelance writer, wife, mother, grandmother, sugar addict (no hope of recovery), housework avoider
Art as an Oasis™
Art as an Oasis is a series of occasional postings from the art of Carrie Kleinberger
providing a temporary respite from both mundane and monumental cares
complimented by words of wisdom from a diversity of others.